Fall Season

This Fall season in New York City marks a new beginning in our family. After a long season of weathering the pandemic it finally feels like life is inching closer and closer back to normal. 

What that means here in New York City is life is bustling again with Christmas decorations up everywhere, small gatherings taking place and people out and about in the streets. There's a sense of cheer in the air because even though Covid19 still have its lingering effects a joyful and happy mood is felt more tangibly everywhere. 

Fall season could also mean a time of harvest, thanksgiving, or celebration. In the US we do celebrate thanksgiving in the month of November which is a time of thankfulness.

Fall season for me is a time of transition from warm weather to colder weather and not being able to see people as often as I'm used to in the warmer months. The colder season brings about a time of hibernation and deeper family bonding. 

I do appreciate that we have four seasons and knowing that each season is only for a limited time period. There is an end to the season which keeps hope alive that whatever each season might hold for us knowing that it won't last forever. 

This fall season feels different after such a long season of death, isolation, change and despair. May God bring a new hope alive in us to walk through more seasons ahead here on earth. 


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